5 min read

Average Medicine ATAR Cut-Offs by University

Published on
June 7, 2024

Average Medicine ATAR Cut-Offs by University

University UCAT ATAR Interview Prerequisites Duration Places Graduate entry Where to apply Rural or ATSI pathways
Adelaide Uni Sections 1-4 equal weight. Section 5 not used. 90 2 Panels Biology or chemistry or Mathematics 6 years 174 Yes SATAC Yes
Charles Sturt undefined 91.5 (rural) or 95.5 (general) MMI Not defined 5 years - Yes UAC Yes
Curtin Uni undefined 95 MMI Chemistry 5 years 100 Yes TISC Yes
Flinders Based on 4 sections 95 None for UG None 6 years 33 No (not for UG course) SATAC Yes
UQ undefined 95 MMI Need to do prerequisite subjects at UQ 4 years 280 Yes QTAC Yes
UWA undefined 96 (rural) or 99 (general) MMI No - chemistry, biology, maths applications or above recommended but may be taken as Level 1 university units 6 years 145 Yes TISC Yes
James Cook Not used 93 (lowest) Panel Compulsory: English, Maths, Chemistry. Recommended: Physics and Biology 6 years 150 Yes JCU and QTAC Yes
Bond University Not used 96 MMI English and CHEM OR MATH OR PHYS 4 years, 8 months 130 Yes QTAC Yes
UoN/UNE undefined 91.4 (rural) or 94.3 (general) MMI None 5 years 170 Yes JMP UoN and UAC Yes
USyd undefined 99.95 Panel Maths 7 years 30 Yes UAC Yes
UNSW undefined 91.05 (Rural) or 96.2 (general) Panel Recommended: chemistry 6 or 8 years 26 rural Yes UAC Yes
WSU undefined 95.5 MMI None indicated 5 years 120 Yes UAC Yes
Monash undefined Above 90 MMI English and Chemistry 5 years 242 Monash Graduates only VTAC Yes
UTAS undefined 95 No interview English and Chemistry 5 years - Only UTAS graduates until 2023 UTAS Yes

When preparing for the upcoming application season, we need to know exactly what the undergraduate medicine universities require. Only upon appreciating the entry requirements, can we begin to plan our final year of high school with transparency and confidence, knowing exactly what we need in order to land ourselves an interview and show universities why we are fit to study medicine at their institution. T

he first thing we need to consider is the prerequisite high school subjects we must complete in order to gain entry. These subjects are specifically asked from applicants in order to ensure there is a smooth transition into the rigorous demands of the complex and demanding degree. Choosing subjects requires knowing exactly what UCAT and ATAR scores universities are seeking. A high level of student performance is required in order for universities to be confident in their admitted applications, i.e. assured that they have the mental endurance and stamina to undergo rigorous and face paced learning in an ever changing field.

After applying to chosen universities, our attention then turns to interviews. The medical interviews at different universities are conducted in opposing ways, and knowing whether it will be an MMI or panel interview is paramount for preparation. Interviews are there to assess non-academic qualities that are of utmost importance in ensuring students have the emotional intelligence to cope with high pressure, and make quick decisions that have lasting impacts on the lives of vulnerable patients.

Finally, it is always worth knowing what our competition will be. It is here we turn to the number of places available at the given university’s medical program, as well as logistics such as the duration of the degree, what prospects lie ahead of us thereafter, and how rural applicants fit within this complex puzzle of medicine entry. Fraser’s Medical Undergrad Table has all the facts you need to start off your journey with the most up to date information.