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GAMSAT Syllabus for 2024
Updated for 2024: The complete GAMSAT Syllabus for Section 1, 2 & 3. Download our GAMSAT Topic Book for key GAMSAT exam study content across all three exam sections.

GAMSAT Section 1: Reasoning in Humanities
How best study for GAMSAT Section 1? Read about preparation for GAMSAT Section 1 and other free GAMSAT resources Frasers has available.

GAMSAT Section 2: Written Communication
How do I study for GAMSAT Section 2? Learn about GAMSAT essay writing, recognising key GAMSAT essay themes, and how to structure your ideas for Section 2 essays.

GAMSAT Section 3: Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences
What does GAMSAT Section 3 look like? In this article, we discuss the composition of section 3, the structure of the exam and how to do well in GAMSAT.

GAMSAT Example Questions
Explore detailed GAMSAT example questions for Sections 1, 2, & 3 along with insightful video solutions where our expert tutors walk you through answers to the practice questions.

GAMSAT Time Management
GAMSAT success is dependent on your ability to manage time effectively. Fraser's GAMSAT breaks down the best practices to optimise your time on GAMSAT day.

GAMSAT Maths: Your Secret Weapon to a Strong Section 3 Performance
What maths is needed for GAMSAT? We cover GAMSAT maths requirements, including the topics and difficulty to answer all Section 3 science questions.

GAMSAT Physics for Section 3
In this article we will cover the best approaches and the GAMSAT Physics concepts that you should be ticking off in your study.

GAMSAT Biology for Section 3
Biology constitutes 40% of GAMSAT Section 3. We explain the topics and skills needed to tackle the hardest Biology GAMSAT questions.

GAMSAT For A Non-Science Background
GAMSAT with no Science? Read about how to study and score high in the GAMSAT if you are from a nonscience background.
Master the GAMSAT Today

Ready to take your GAMSAT preparation to the next level? Join Fraser's GAMSAT Academy today and embark on your journey to GAMSAT success!