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tutor the next generation of medical professionals

Express your interest in working with Fraser medical by completing this form. Complete all steps to submit your iter
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Your Details

Fill out this multi step form to express your interest in working with frasers medical.
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Area of interest/ability

In what capacity do you want to work with Fraser medical?

Specific Areas

In what capacity do you want to work within your area

Specific GAMSAT S3 Area

In what capacity do you want to work within the Gamsat S3 Area

Your Availability

How many hours per week are you available between Nov - March and June - Sep?
How many hours per week are you available between Jan - Dec?
How many hours per week are you available between May - Nov?

Final Question

Explain a concept / question as you would to a student. Feel free to type your response, attach screenshots or a videos explaining this stem
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Submit your interest

Click submit now to submit your interest in working with Frasers Medical
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