In saying that, we at Fraser’s definitely acknowledge the notion that entering a medical degree is undeniably a strenuous hurdle, but by choosing the right undergraduate medical pathway, you can reduce the levels of stress and anticipation as well as enter a medical degree on your terms.
Sounds too good to be true? Well, this medical school pathway quiz we developed is designed specifically to help you achieve that smooth, stree-free medical school application process. All that is required of you is to sit down and answer a few simple questions, and you will finally be left with the satisfaction of knowing which undergraduate medical pathway can bring out the best in you!
How is the Medical Pathways Quiz Helpful For You?
Amongst other things, securing a career in the healthcare profession is incredibly hard, primarily because the competition starts at a pre-medical stage itself.
Despite putting in the hard work and efforts to satisfy the entry requirements for a medical degree, many fail to make it in their first attempt. It takes more than once, even for high-achievers to finally set foot on their medical endevaours as the threshold for GAMSAT, UCAT and other preliminary examinations are constantly evolving to meet the expectations of a vigorous medical curriculum.
In order to help you attain your goal with ease, we put our creativie minds into developing a medical pathway quiz that can give you a straightforward response on the most suitable entry route based on your academic and skills assessments. Additionally, the quiz also provides logical solutions on how you can achieve the prerequisites required in a medical pathway.
What are Some of the Medical Pathways Available in Australia?
Graduate Entry Route
GAMSAT, a psychometric assessment, inevitable to miss in the medical application process is considered to be an important prerequisite for students aiming to pursue postgraduate medicine in Australia and New Zealand.
Through the graduate entry route, you are often required to submit an application form that discloses:
- Your GPA score from a previous bachelor’s degree program
- Recent GAMSAT score (which should not be over 2 years); And
- A portfolio stating the facts about your work experience if requested.
These aforementioned metrics are closely analysed by ANZ medical schools to then release medical interview offers to those students who have successfully demonstrated, both the academic capability and cognitive skills, deemed important for medicine.
Undergraudate Entry Pathway
In direct contrast to the graduate entry route, the undergraduate or direct entry pathway is traditionally open to fresh school leavers who are willing to dive right into the medical curriculum without a prior bachelor’s degree. In simple words, through the undergraduate route, a Year 12 student gets the opportunity to finish their doctoral degree in approximately 5-years as opposed to a student who needs to complete their tertiary qualification in order to be eligible for the graduate pathway.
Generally speaking, to be eligible for the undergraduate route, students must provide their ATAR from high school, UCAT score (unless the medical school does not consider the UCAT) and additional wrriten application forms if specificied, like in the case of University of Sydney and James Cook Uni.
What are the Next Steps You Can Take in Your GAMSAT Prep?
No matter which medical pathway you choose, certain academic hurdles must be overcome to be considered for a medical degree. For those pursuing the fast-track, direct entry pathway, it becomes imperative to be fully acquainted with the UCAT. However, for those on the graduate entry route, mastering the GAMSAT is critical.
Here are some GAMSAT preparation materials — Fraser's GAMSAT courses, tailored to the needs of individual GAMSAT study goals. Additionally, if you are looking for expert advice on acing the GAMSAT, you can always reach out to our GAMSAT mentors who can provide the right guidance on how to best plan your GAMSAT study.
It’s highly recommended that students take charge of their GAMSAT preparation at least five months before the GAMSAT exam. To gain a holistic learning experience, feel free to attend our GAMSAT workshops to get a head start on your prep and also check our Free Learning Academy. This way, you can get a taste of our educational approach, which is solely focused on helping you achieve your GAMSAT study goals with minimal effort!
Medical Pathways Quiz

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