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So you know you want to study medicine, but how do you choose which is the right medical school for you?
Medical Schools in Australia
There are a number of medical schools in Australia, most of which vary in their admissions requirements, teaching styles and delivery. You can view a list here of universities offering undergraduate medical degrees.
How do you know which medical school will be right for you?
There are a number of key considerations which should be made when deciding on a medical school.
1. Entrance Requirements
This will be a key determining factor for most students. Most medical schools have a series of requirements you must fulfil in order to be eligible for admission. This is usually a combination of your ATAR, UCAT score and Interview score. Find out more about entrance requirements here.
2. Location
Are you willing to travel to attend your ideal medical school? Or would you prefer to make some minor trade-offs in order to attend university locally?
3. Cost
The cost of studying medicine in Australia varies depending on which university you choose and what type of place you receive an offer for. The cost of studying medicine in Australia can be up to (roughly) $420,000. When considering which medical school to study at, you may want to consider if you are eligible for a CSP (Commonwealth Supported Place) or if you are in a position to apply for a full fee-paying place.
4. Types of University Places
There are several types of places in medicine which vary in cost, competitiveness and requirements. A Bonded Medical Place, for example, is commonwealth supported on the condition that students practice rurally for a designated period of time. You can read more about the different types of university places here.
What are my chances of receiving an interview offer at my preferred medical school?
Most universities will offer an interview on the basis of your UCAT and ATAR score. Universities will weight these scores differently depending on their admissions process and entry requirements. To estimate your chances of receiving an offer at your preferred medical school, try our Free Medical Interview Calculator here.
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