5 min read

Curtin University Undergraduate Medicine Australia

Published on
July 3, 2024

Curtin University offers a 5-year full time equivalent Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery degree qualification, the only undergraduate medical program of its kind across Western Australia. This medical curriculum is focused on remedying the workforce shortage in rural and regional locations across Australia and aims to strengthen:

  • Knowledge in the biological, clinical, epidemiological, social and behavioural sciences. 
  • Clinical, procedural, and communication skills.    
  • Knowledge surrounding Australian health systems (cultural, socio-economic and environmental factors).

Curtin University Medicine Course Structure

First year in Curtin University’s medicine course requires students to undertake collaborative and interprofessional units. Additionally, the course places students in units based on their specific disciplines in medicine to introduce them to problem-based learning- similar to Fraser’s courses, and community-interactive structured activities.

In contrast the second and third years of the medical degree focus on:

  • A Study of the major structure and function of the human body in health and the implications of disease.
  • Continued reasoning development with problem-based learning.
  • Exposure to a range of healthcare settings.

Year four involves a transition from learning and practicing primarily on the Curtin University campus to learning within clinical settings such as:

  • Metropolitan clinical settings
  • Rural and regional clinical locations

Clinical learning taking place in metro and rural locations are in both hospital and community-based settings.

The fifth year of study concludes the medical course at Curtin university and involves moving from working in clinical settings as an undergraduate student to working as a member of the healthcare team. 

Curtin University Undergraduate Admissions Criteria

ATAR and Subject Prerequisites:

In order to determine your eligibility for Curtin’s undergraduate medicine program, you need to highlight specific achievements from high school or previous university studies that satisfy Curtin’s entry requirements. 

The following list outlines Curtin University’s medicine entry requirements to begin the course in 2023:

  • Minimum ATAR of 95 or equivalent year 12 studies
  • Chemistry and English prerequisites must be satisfied to be considered for a medical interview

UCAT Score Requirements 

All medicine applicants are required to sit the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) to apply for medicine. Applicants will be ranked on the basis of their total UCAT score. UCAT scores are only valid for the following available admissions year meaning that the test should be completed in the year immediately preceding their planned year of admission.

Curtin University Medical Interview – An MMI Style Interview

The Curtin Uni medicine course is highly competitive due to limited places being available. Meeting the minimum ATAR and UCAT requirements does not guarantee you an offer for an interview or determine your place in the course.

The interview process enables shortlisted applicants to exhibit their communication skills, critical analysis abilities, and their opinions on issues relating to the medical profession.

The interview process is as follows:

  • Applicants are ranked and selected for the interview based on the weighted sum of their predicted ATAR (or an equivalent academic merit score) and their UCAT score in the ratio of 60:40.
  • The top ranked eligible applicants from various entry pathways will be shortlisted.
  • Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend a Multiple Mini Interview (MMI). Applicants offered an interview will be allowed to choose an interview session from a limited number of published times on a first-come, first-served basis.

Further Curtin Medical Entry Requirements

The Curtin medical degree is accessible for school leavers, i.e., students who have completed year 12 with a Western Australian Certificate of Education or equivalent senior secondary qualification with an ATAR and certain non-school leavers (graduates). Non-school leavers (graduates) are applicants from any university with a tertiary degree record. 

Most of the Curtin University medicine places are available for Western Australian applicants and a limited number of spots are available for eligible interstate applicants with competitive ATARs. Western Australian (WA) applicants are those who meet one or more of the following conditions:

  • Achieved a Western Australian Certificate of Education or equivalent two years prior to applying.
  • Are a resident of Western Australia in the year of application and have lived in Western Australia for at least 183 days that year.

Non-Western Australian (Non-WA) applicants refers to those who do not meet any of the WA applicant conditions defined above.

Curtin University Application Process

Entry Pathways

Students should initially check what entry pathways they are eligible for. Aside from the regular school leaver pathway, graduate, and Curtin Course switcher pathways*, Curtin university offers three other special entry pathways:

  1. Rural entry pathway: Applicants who prior to the admission year, have spent at least 10 years cumulatively or five years consecutively in a location with an Australian Statistical Geography Standard remoteness category (ASGS) of RA 2-5 since beginning primary school (Year 1 onwards) are eligible.

  2. Equity entry pathway: Equity places are available to WA school leavers who have completed, or will complete, their entire year 12 study in a school with an Index of Community and Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) score of 1,000 and below averaged over the last three years. 

* Note that Entry via these pathways are competitive. Meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee an offer for an interview or a place in the Curtin medicine course.

Curtin University UCAT Registration

All applicants (excluding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants) are required to register and sit the University Clinical Aptitude Test. UCAT scores are valid for the next available admissions year and should be completed in the year immediately preceding the planned year of admission.

Please refer to our free UCAT resources which explain the test in detail and set out the procedures for registration, including the fees payable, and how to apply.

Curtin Medicine TISC Application

All applicants including Curtin uni graduates, and students who have switched between Curtin courses, are required to apply through the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC).

Applicants are not expected to specify their entry pathway on their TISC application as this will be determined by the Curtin Medical School based on qualifications and circumstances.

Curtin University Undergraduate 2022 Key Dates

These dates are tentative and are subject to change upon official release of updated dates and times.



Curtin Uni Medicine Term Dates



Description of the Event


1 March 2022

Registrations open for the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)

10 May 2022, 11:59pm

Registrations close for the UCAT

31 May 2022

Curtin Uni applications open: All applicants (except Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) apply through Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC)

(must provide UCAT ID)

1 July - 11 August 2022 

University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) testing period  

30 September 2022

Curtin Uni applications close 

15 October 2022

Applications close for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants

Early September 2022 

UCAT results released

3rd November 2022

Predicted ATAR to be provided by School Principal to Curtin Medical School for school-leaver applicants

Late November - early December 2022 (Dates to be confirmed) 

Multiple Mini Interviews held (November/December round) 

January 2023 (Dates to be confirmed) 

Multiple Mini Interviews held (January round) 

We hope this guide on Curtin Uni Medical School was useful and helps you through your medical application process!

Curtin University Mock Interview Banner

Here’s a list of FREE RESOURCES available on Fraser's website to get you started on preferencing medical schools for undergraduate courses. If you are looking to sit the UCAT for your applications check out our resources for UCAT study or enrol in our UCAT Strategy Weekend program that will allow you to undertake a practice test and obtain a personalised report from a senior UCAT mentor. Additionally, check your odds of receiving a medical interview offer or enrol into some of our medical interview prep courses.