#1. How Long Is My UCAT Score Valid For?
The simple answer to that question is just one year.
For all students sitting the UCAT exam in 2022, your UCAT scores will be valid for 2023 entry into medical programs. Kindly note that the UCAT scores are not valid for entry in 2022. Sadly what this means is that you will need to resit UCAT on each year that you go on to apply to medicine through the undergraduate medical pathway. This is distinct from the GAMSAT, in which you can sit twice per year and your GAMSAT score is valid for two subsequent years.
#2. What Do I Do If I Get A Low UCAT Score?
The definition of a low UCAT score varies from year to year, but if you do get a ‘low score’, this is not necessarily the end of the world. Firstly, You can apply to universities such as James Cook or Bond University that do not require a UCAT score for admission into medicine. Secondly, besides receiving a UCAT score, your high school ATAR will also be a key determinant of receiving a medical interview.
Finally, you can also sit the UCAT during your first year of your undergraduate degree, getting into medicine the following year. Here is a UCAT Roadmap Study guide that the team at Fraser’s have put together to assist with your UCAT preparation.
#3. Can I Use The UKCAT Results To Apply To Australian Medical Universities?
Unfortunately you are not allowed to use the UKCAT results to apply for medical schools in Australia. Instead, you are required to sit the UCAT ANZ to pursue medicine in Australia and New Zealand. If you are interested, here is a quick comparison between UK & AUS medical schools, outlining the key differences, admission process, course structure, and more.
#4. When Will The UCAT Scores Be Released To Universities?
According to the UCAT Consortium, results are published 24 hours after completion of the UCAT test day. However, it seems that the UCAT scores are typically released to the universities for their medical admissions processes during September of each year. Based on the UCAT and ATAR scores, students will then be invited for a medical school interview.
#5. Can I Sit The UCAT ANZ And UKCAT In The Same Year?
Applicants are not permitted to sit both the UCAT ANZ and UKCAT in the same year. For instance, if you sit the UCAT ANZ in 2022, then you must refrain from attempting the UKCAT in 2022. As previously stated, the results from the UCAT exam are valid for entry into medical school for one year only. What this means is that, for undergraduate medicine, you will not be able to have open medical applications with the UK and Australia or New Zealand in the same application year.
#6. Am I Allowed To Sit The UCAT Exam More Than Once?
You can sit the UCAT as many times as you want. However, remember that you cannot take the UCAT exam more than once a given year. What this means is If you sit the UCAT in 2022 and have not been successful, you can only resit the UCAT test in the following year. That being said, if you are resitting the UCAT over many years, you may want to abandon the undergraduate pathway to medicine in favour of sitting that GAMSAT through the postgraduate medical pathway.
#7. Can I Cancel My UCAT Test Registration?
You can certainly cancel your UCAT testing date and receive a refund. To cancel your test, you must login through your Pearson VUE account before the closing date. If you fail to cancel your test before the deadline, a fee will be automatically deducted from your refund.
Kindly note that if you miss the UCAT deadline, you will not receive the refund. It goes without saying that if you take the test, but are unsatisfied with the result, you will not be able to get a refund for your test at this point in the testing cycle.
What Should I Read Next?
We hope that these UCAT frequently asked questions have been useful in answering some common questions that you had about the UCAT exam. For more specific preparation, be sure to check out Fraser’s range of Free Resources.