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GAMSAT Books: Why Traditional Prep Books Are Outdated

Discover why traditional GAMSAT prep books might not be the best choice for your GAMSAT journey. Dive into common misconceptions, limitations, and learn how Fraser's is revolutionizing GAMSAT prep.
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Failing at GAMSAT - A Student's Personal Experience

Hear firsthand from a potential medical student about their GAMSAT experience. Tips on what to do and what not to do, as well as exclusive insights on each GAMSAT section!
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Fraser’s GAMSAT Review – What Do We Offer?

An honest Fraser’s GAMSAT review about what we offer and why it should save you time, money, and energy as you pursue a medical school at your dream university.
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Fraser’s GAMSAT Study Planner

Download the free Fraser's GAMSAT Study Planner, which will guide you through how to plan your GAMSAT study time in the months prior to the exam.
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ACER GAMSAT 101: What All GAMSAT Test Takers Should Know

Who is ACER? Our latest article gives you insight into ACER, the writers of the GAMSAT exam, and answers questions around the ACER sample GAMSAT tests being easier.
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GAMSAT 2021 Dates

When is GAMSAT 2021? Read about GAMSAT exam dates, when to register, and how the GAMSAT timeline fits in with getting into medical school.
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GAMSAT As A Mature Student: Am I Too Old For Medical School?

Considering medicine as a mature-aged student? Discover the advantages and hurdles of taking the GAMSAT as a mature aged student and why experience can be your greatest asset.
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5 Reasons Why Your GAMSAT Prep Should Differ From Uni Exam

Read about why GAMSAT exam preparation is different to Conventional uni exam preparation so you can study in the best way possible!
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Five Reasons the GAMSAT is a Good Judge of your Medical Potential

The GAMSAT is questioned on its credibility of evaluating one's medical potential. Join us as we debunk the GAMSAT myth of if GAMSAT assessment and structure is a reliable metric to enter the medical field.
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Are GAMSAT Questions Repeated?

It's the second time you're sitting the GAMSAT and you are met with a passage that looks extremely familiar. Are GAMSAT questions repeated?
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Master the GAMSAT Today

Ready to take your GAMSAT preparation to the next level? Join Fraser's GAMSAT Academy today and embark on your journey to GAMSAT success!